Thursday, 26 February 2015

A2Z Series - P Is For 'Pale'

Hi NaiLovelies!

This week for the A2Z Challenge we have reached the letter 'P' in the alphabet and the prompt word is PALE.


Saturday, 21 February 2015

A2Z Series - O Is For 'Old'

Hi NaiLovelies!

I'm back from my skiing holiday and pretty much right in the nick of time for this weeks installment of the A2Z Challenge.

We have now reached the letter 'O' and the prompt word is OLD.


Saturday, 14 February 2015

A2Z Series - N Is For 'New'

Hi NaiLovelies!

I'm just dropping by with a quick post for this weeks A2Z Challenge.  We have reached the letter 'N' and the prompt word is 'New'.


Thursday, 12 February 2015

Mini Manicures ~ AEngland Sleeping Palace

Hi NaiLovelies!

I've gone and changed my nail shape again....! The claws weren't around for long at all... I have reshaped them for my first skiiing trip as I don't want to worry about breaking a nail.

Anyway, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to show you the beautiful Sleeping Palace from AEngland.


Sunday, 8 February 2015

A2Z Series - M Is For 'Multi-Coloured'

Hi NaiLovelies!

I can't believe we have already reached the mid-way point of the A2Z Challenge.  I have loved taking part and am so pleased that this week allowed me to bring some serious colour to my blog.

This week we have reached the letter 'M' and the prompt word is MULTI-COLOURED - with a prompt like that I figured, go neon or.... Go Home!


Saturday, 7 February 2015

Uber Chic Roses & Review

Hi NaiLovelies!

My set of stamping plates by Uber Chic finally arrived this week and I was so excited to try them out.  I ordered them just over two weeks ago and delivery of the plates took longer than I had anticipated so needless to say, I was chomping at the bit to get my hands on these stunning plates!


Tuesday, 3 February 2015

CBL Holographic Gradient

Hi NaiLovelies!

I have a quick gradient manicure to show you today.


Sunday, 1 February 2015

A2Z Series - L Is For 'Lines'

Hi NaiLovelies!

We are hurtling along at a right pace and have already reached week 12 of this A2Z Challenge.   This week the letter is 'L' and the prompt word is LINES.  Yaaaay, NOT!!

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