Wednesday, 13 May 2015

A2Z Series - Z Is For 'Zig Zags'

Hi NaiLovelies!

This week brings to a close the current A2Z Challenge!  I can't believe how quickly time flies when you are having fun!  So, yep you guessed it, we have reached the final letter in the alphabet, 'Z' and the prompt word is ZIG ZAGS.


Wednesday, 6 May 2015

A2Z Series - Y Is For 'You'

Hi NaiLovelies!

Oh how I wish I had more time on my hands at the moment to create these manicures and get them posted on time and not leave it to the last minute.  Well anyone who knows me will know that this is me all over!  So I guess it is fitting that this weeks penultimate manicure in the A2Z Challenge is 'YOU'.  We have now reached the letter Y with just one week to go until the end of the series.

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