Sunday, 6 December 2015

Magpie Glitter ~ Holly

Hi NaiLovelies!

It's almost Christmas and guess who has been playing in the glitter - well, it would be rude not to seeing as they are so freakin' purtty!!!

This stunning emerald beauty is Holly and it is by Magpie Beauty.   

Holly is show-stoppingly gorgeous and I have lost count of the number of people who have stopped me in the street to ask what I have on my nails.   

I have Ruby on my right hand [yep, I couldn't make up my mind which one to wear].  Holly is proving to be the hands down the favorite - pardon the pun but both of them are stunning!

My clients have also had their socks knocked off by my fantastic collection of glitters, they seriously can't get enough of them right now!

My collection of Magpie Glitters can be viewed on my recent videos below. 

Such lovely glitters, the only problem is trying to choose which one to wear next!

Ciao 4 Now


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